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Progress bars still lie

Posted 4 hours ago/113 comments/web.eecs.utk.edu
a few seconds ago by gitgud

Most progress is determined by a multitude of factors, network speed, device speed, RAM size etc... And even some things that are unknown to the process; server load, problem complexity, problem size...etc. It's just easier to lie!

A good solution is to have a progress bar that goes for a certain amount of time 0->10 seconds. But if it finishes earlier, then it quickly jumps to 100%.

Still a lie, but it's satisfying to watch and accurately finishes every time (so it's harder to spot the lie).

2 hours ago by paxys

Progress bars are something that have been researched and iterated on for decades now, and the overall sentiment is pretty clear ā€“ users like seeing numbers go from zero to a hundred while they wait. It doesn't matter if they aren't always accurate. Replacing them with a static "processing" message would absolutely increase user confusion and dissatisfaction with loading times.

A while ago we put in a lot of engineering effort to build a good progress system for a heavy, multi-step background task to show to our users, and the overwhelming feedback was - "it always gets stuck on a certain percent", "it is too slow" and "it is unreliable". After feedback from design we hard-coded it to a steadily increasing bar regardless of actual progress, and the complaints all stopped immediately.

an hour ago by quacked

As another commenter pointed out, static "processing" messages are indistinguishable from "your system is hung".

I think the best option is simply X/Y bytes downloaded, like Blizzard does on WoW patches. The fraction indicates how much is left to download, and the rate of the numerator changing informs how quickly the download is going.

an hour ago by paxys

You're bringing up the easiest use case though. Most complex flows cannot be easily expressed by a single determinable metric.

14 minutes ago by kazinator

Complex flows can be represented by a tree control full of checkboxes that tick off for things that are done, which can be hidden behind a "show details ..." button next to a regular progress bar. If the users can see the detailed tasks, maybe they will be less ticked off by a jumpy progress bar.

10 minutes ago by 0xfeba

I bet $100 Netflix does the same. From my "experiments" during outages, it seems to show you a timer based progression from 0-25% no matter what, while it waits for stuff to queue/load properly, then it takes off to 26-100% in short order.

So when it Netflix is up, it slowly climbs 1-5% then rockets to 100% and plays.

When it's slow, sometimes it goes to 15%, then rockets up.

When it's down, it reaches 25% after 12.5s or whatever it is, then sits there forever/shows an error message.

20 minutes ago by jessriedel

Lying often reduces complaints. This doesn't mean users like being lied to, it means they don't know they are being lied to.

17 minutes ago by JeremyBanks

Users aren't being fooled here. People learn that progress bars aren't accurate, and things like the author mentioned, "when it gets to 75% it will really be done".

3 hours ago by dwohnitmok

Proposal 1 is the thing I want.

Please just list out a total number of steps and log when each of those steps is completed (with a short message describing what the step is so that we don't end up back on square one with fractional progress bars). If possible make the steps granular enough so that a step can be completed in under a second (so this may be hundreds or thousands of steps depending on the task length). In the case of say "bytes currently downloaded" this becomes essentially a continuous stream of steps (which is a good thing!).

First and foremost what this communicates to users is that the system is doing something useful. This is what frustrates me about spinners. They are functionally indistinguishable from a frozen system, to the point now that users synonymously identify an indefinitely spinning spinner with a frozen system. And progress bars that asymptotically approach completion even when the program is frozen have trained users to be similarly suspicious of progress bars.

Secondarily it offers the same vague assurances as a progress bar about approximately how much time is left. If you see 250 GB out of 500 GB downloaded you'll assume that you're half-way there, similarly if you see 250 steps out of 500 completed. Especially in the case of the latter, there's no guarantee that the total elapsed time is already 50% over, but that's true of progress bars as well.

Finally, if something goes wrong, there's usually a useful error message that can be shown since there's the context of all the previous steps that led up to this error.

2 hours ago by news_to_me

I think there's two issues here that are often wrapped up together: 1. what is the status of my task, and 2. did the computer get stuck

If we could be sure the computer wouldn't get stuck (which is just a bug), then progress bars and spinners would be fine. If the task is as granular as you suggest, progress bars would be a great visual indicator, much better than text.

But since computers do get stuck, additional indicators should help with that. A spinner is supposed to show that a process isn't stuck, but those are fallible too. A textual representation ("bytes currently downloaded") sounds like a great addition to a progress bar. I've seen this a lot on linux distro installers, where you can click "details" below the progress bar to see the console output.

an hour ago by undefined
2 hours ago by allenu

I actually don't mind the occasional lying progress bar. I think TurboTax is famous for this, where they just toss in fake progress bars to indicate that they are crunching some numbers, which really just take milliseconds, if that. The goal is just to convey that "heavy work is happening".

I ended up using this strategy recently because I wanted to convey that my app was "doing work on your behalf", so I tossed in a super quick progress bar like TurboTax does and then did a slick transition animation to show the results. It's "unnecessary" in that I could've just showed you the results, but I really wanted to convey that there was a sort of cause-and-effect in the system. Without that little bit of animation, it felt like that would've been lost.

2 hours ago by wtallis

Having some kind of transition to visually indicate a change of state is fine. But that's not what TurboTax does; they have a progress bar that is insultingly superfluous, because there's already a "next" button.

2 hours ago by jrochkind1

It's worse. They seem to be intentionally slowing things down to make it look like the software is somehow "working harder" because to some people it justifies the high price. A progress bar that takes 5s or more to complete for an operation that actually takes under a second.

41 minutes ago by yeetman21

People are willing to pay more for meals eaten with heavier silverware

2 minutes ago by vidanay

They don't lie. They are simply an everyday manifestation of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

3 hours ago by canadian_tired

Progress bars are great when they convey meaningful information... sometimes it's nice to know if you have time to grab a coffee, or actually eat lunch. In my experience (when having to supply said bars) is that they serve primarily to tell the hapless user that things are still happening. In other words, the actual number is not important...what is important is real feedback that things are still happening and it's worth waiting. Or things are b0rked and you should start over. I don't care about a real time or % progress bar...just something that honestly (to OP's point) lets me know that things aren't screwed.

Edit: typos

3 hours ago by Wowfunhappy

> In other words, the actual number is not important...what is important is real feedback that things are still happening and it's worth waiting.

And the inverse is that when progress bars are fake, they tell the user that everything is working even when it's not!

I MitM my SSL traffic. This causes Figma to fail to load documents in the most annoying way possibleā€”it shows a progress bar that never stops moving, but becomes increasingly slow as it nears the end. I suspect the bar is programmed to never increase by more than half the remaining distance, or something like that.

After half an hour, I finally realized something had to be wrong, and I tried whitelisting figma.com in my proxy. The document loaded immediately.

If Figma hadn't lied to me with a fake progress bar, it would have saved so much time...

2 hours ago by saagarjha

I've gotten real good at recognizing those kinds of progress bars; I think Window Explorer's search had one and it trained me to never trust them.

an hour ago by eyelidlessness

VSCode has a progress bar (well a throbber) that shows up when the language server has waited long enough that the UI should show some activity. But for my workflows it only shows up when something has gone wrong. So when I see it, itā€™s a good indicator to either restart TS server or reload the whole window. Not a great experience or solution!

an hour ago by jacobwilliamroy

I recently found out that you can prepend your search with "name:" and windows search will only match against filenames which is the behavior most users expect by default and much faster than whatever nonsense windows explorer search normally does. Example:

3 hours ago by ASalazarMX

> I don't care about a real time or % progress bar...just something that honestly (to OP's point) let's me know that things aren't screwed.

That's where "marquee" progress bars fit in. Those poor abominations that, like Sisyphus, progress without advancing, because a simple activity indicator wasn't user-friendly enough.

3 hours ago by ygra

Especially fun in Web UIs where the callback that would remove the spinner will never be called because some error occurred somewhere in between and is only logged in the console where no normal user will ever see it ...

Personally I feel that to be very much a subversion of the Ā»things are still moving, so stuff is still happeningĀ« assumption that has been common in normal desktop applications.

3 hours ago by GordonS

Maybe spinners like these need a kind of "dead man's switch", where something needs to keep telling them "yep, still working" every so often, otherwise an error is shown?

3 hours ago by SulfurHexaFluri

The app I work on is plagued with this issue. I just wish I was given the time to go around and fix it everywhere.

As with so many of the issues in web apps, its not even complex or hard to fix these issues. Its just no one cares enough to schedule time for it.

an hour ago by eyelidlessness

> Especially fun in Web UIs where the callback that would remove the spinner will never be called because some error occurred somewhere in between and is only logged in the console where no normal user will ever see it ...

I know itā€™s unpopular in these parts but checked exceptions would make this impossible.

3 hours ago by ASalazarMX

My ideal spinner would be a decreasing arch, telling the user how much time remains until their request timeouts and fails. Uses the same space as a spinner, but conveys more information.

3 hours ago by dkersten

> the actual number is not important...what is important is real feedback that things are still happening

Absolutely agree, but then, don't make it a percentage progress bar. Make it one of those "amount unknown" bars, or better yet, a spinner or game-like loading screen. Something with movement that tells me things are happening. Don't pretend to know "how done" it is if you don't know.

38 minutes ago by laumars

The web has ruined those feedback widgets for me. Now every time I see one of those spinners I think ā€œoh look, a gif that will keep spinning even if the process Iā€™m waiting on has failedā€.

3 hours ago by wyattpeak

You know what I like for progress bars? The mess that is your average build script.

Tell me how many tasks there are to complete, how many you've done, and some rough details of what you're doing (e.g. is it a network request). Don't be shy about commentary ("This may take a while", "If this fails multiple times do X").

These generally contain all of the information that the developer has access to, and rarely am I left having no idea if something's failed, or what to do if I know it's failed.

Now I'm not suggesting that this is good as-is for non-technical users, but it feels wrong-headed keep iterating on a solution everyone hates (progress bars), rather than trying to adapt a solution that (if other people feel the same as me) is quite well-liked in its domain.

You see a sort of adaptation in some progress bars with the "Show details" button, but that generally sanitised variant, with one line per task and no commentary (and often, for some reason, no task count) feels like it misses all the good parts of what it's emulating.

2 hours ago by amelius

CMake has a progress indicator.

4 minutes ago by ben-schaaf

ninja has one too.

3 hours ago by fgdelcueto

When progress bars are not useful it is because the underlying problem is hard to extrapolate faithfully. If you are doing just a few tasks where each one takes a significant different time to execute, it will be hard to estimate. More often than not, they work fine, IMO. When they don't, it is because for that particular problem it is genuinely hard to do. It isn't programmer's laziness, I think, in most cases.

2 hours ago by quelsolaar

Most users don't understand that making an accurate progress bar is incredibly hard, for most tasks. Is not very intuitive, but once you start looking in to it you realize that almost nothing in a computer is deterministic. Task switching, cashes, file system buffers, disk fragmentation, variable clock frequencies, and loads of other factors, make the speed of a computer very hard to estimate.

I do favor progress bars that say things like "you have downloaded 47% of file X", because its a statement of fact, not an estimation of future performance.

an hour ago by WorldMaker

Progress Bars are the most user visible insight into The Halting Problem that our entire industry has. In so many cases, if we knew exactly how long things would take to compute we'd have already computed them or we'd have a world bending solution to The Halting Problem that would change everything. It's really hard to describe NP Complete/NP Hard to the average user, and it shouldn't be a surprise that the poor tool that keeps having to do it over and over again in so many places and ways, the lowly progress bar, keeps getting blamed for our industry having failed to solve (and unlikely to ever solve) The Halting Problem.

3 hours ago by Frost1x

I often see the suggestion to display spin animations instead since estimation is often incredibly difficult if not impossible. I prefer progress bars because even if they aren't accurate, the relative directional growth shows me that something is actually executing. With a spin animation, for all I know, somethings caught in a loop.

3 hours ago by news_to_me

This seems a little funny to me, since the purpose of the spinner is so that you know the computer isn't caught in a loop ā€” it's "busy". It's true, though, that the computer could still be stuck even though it updates the spinner. This is a hard problem to solve.

Abusing progress bars are not a good response to this, though. I would rather trust progress bars for what they are meant to show rather than as an indication of true activity. After all, you still can't tell whether the progress bar kept moving, but the process is stuck in a loop.

2 hours ago by bryanrasmussen

>This seems a little funny to me, since the purpose of the spinner is so that you know the computer isn't caught in a loop ā€” it's "busy". It's true, though, that the computer could still be stuck even though it updates the spinner. This is a hard problem to solve.

The problem that people might assume the computer is stuck in a loop or at any rate that the animation is not going to stop is related to spinner animations on websites. Since the spinner is not a function of the browser, but is instead something implemented in the individual site's code, then stopping the spinner needs to be also coded for and many sites neglect to write the code for "when error happens stop spinner and tell them that things went wrong".

So over time people exposed to negligent website spinners start to suspect any spinner that takes too long.

3 hours ago by news_to_me

A progress bar should not indicate progress over multiple tasks ā€” a segmented progress bar is better, or a series of spinners, or just a single spinner for the whole set. A progress bar should measure exactly one metric, where the total is known.

39 minutes ago by magicalhippo

Back in Windows 3.11 days, I noticed a patter with installers. Their progress bar would go steadily up for quite a while, and then suddenly spend 3x as long on just one or two percentage points.

It didn't take me long to realize that the progress bar measured bytes written to disk, but when it was seemingly "stuck", it was creating a lot of small files.

Instead of bytes written, what I really cared about is "how done are you?" and that would have been better represented by a function of both number of files created _and_ bytes written. I don't think the weighting of those two had to be very accurate to be a big improvement.

3 hours ago by dkersten

It reminds me of the old (maybe it still does it, I dunno) windows install progress bars vs ones where multiple things are wrapped into one.

With multiple things wrapped into one, you often end up in situations where 0-99% (or whatever) might happen super fast but that last 1% takes ages, making the progress bar useless as a "something's happening" indicator.

Those old windows installers used two bars: the top one was basically a steps indicator (file N of M, for example) -- just like the single bar for multiple tasks. But the second bar was a per-file bar. So if step 99 took longer, you had a second bar showing you that steps/files progress.

44 minutes ago by WorldMaker

I played with the idea of using a singular circular progress bar for composite progress notification. The basic idea was that if you keep the tail chasing the head, and the head always moving clockwise, the progress bar never gives the impression that it "shrinks backwards", it is always forward motion, but in the worst case when the tail catches up with the head (you discover more sub-tasks) it basically becomes a spinner until the tail starts to lag the head again. Tuning the animation parameters for that provided a lot of options to get a good feeling progress bar that reported a heterogeneous source of various tasks, some of which discovered/added while in progress of the overall whole.

My demo has unfortunately fallen to web bit rot and needs to be updated, but the code is here to explore: https://github.com/worldmaker/compradprog

2 hours ago by news_to_me

Yeah, I think I remember those! If it were me, I would turn the segmented bar into a checklist, since you can add a description and I think it looks nicer. But the approach was a good one imo.

3 hours ago by ngold

It would be nice if they were accurate, but with my limited experience making them, I don't expect them to be. I've actually had the fact they are there screw up rendering.

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