

Overthinking out loud about design, development, and building products.

Design to Save People from Themselves

How software can prevent people from making mistakes, causing permanent damage, or bringing about the collapse of democracy.

Updated 1 week ago

True Respect is the Difference

True respect is the difference between a fantastic collaborator and an asshole.

Updated 2 weeks ago

Writing Better Self Reviews

My tips and strategies for writing effective self reviews.

Updated 3 weeks ago

Using Ghost as a Headless CMS with Next.js

Rebuilding my self-hosted blog with Next.js and Ghost as a headless CMS.

Updated 4 weeks ago

Product Design Portfolios

A living list of useful and inspiring product design portfolios.

Updated 1 month ago

2020 Mid-Year Review

This year has been breezing by at an uncomfortable pace, so it is helpful to pause for a second and introspect a while.

Updated 4 months ago

Quality Software

This post aims to outline the characteristics of software that we believe determine its fundamental quality.

Updated 6 months ago

Just-for-me Authentication

How adding just-for-me authentication cascaded into new ideas and possibilities for play.

Updated 6 months ago

Using Cookies to Authenticate Next.js + Apollo GraphQL Requests

In the spirit of over-complicating the hell out of my personal website, I spent time this weekend trying to solve one very small and seemingly-simple problem: can I make my website know when I am viewing it?

Updated 6 months ago

Adding Dark Mode with Next.js, styled-components, and useDarkMode

How I added automatic dark mode to my personal site using Next.js, styled-components, and useDarkmode.

Updated 6 months ago

Incrementally Correct Personal Websites

It's time to change the way I think about building and maintaining my personal website.

Updated 8 months ago

Automating the Boring Parts of Product Design

Building Figma plugins to automate the boring parts of product design.

Updated 8 months ago

The Meta Skills of Product Design

Exploring the meta skills that product designers can use to learn faster, work on more impactful products, or collaborate with more interesting people.

Updated 8 months ago

The Death of Designer Unicorns

It's no longer possible to be a "designer unicorn."

Updated 8 months ago

Migrating from Google Analytics to Fathom

Finally: a fast and simple, privacy-first analytics alternative to Google Analytics.

Updated 8 months ago

A primer on investing for designers and developers

Advice for designers and developers who are taking their first steps in investing.

Updated 8 months ago

Caching API routes with Next.js + Now

How I improved the loading time of our podcast network's API by 20x with one small configuration change.

Updated 8 months ago

On working nights and weekends

While it might not be necessary to work nights and weekends, it does seem practically useful.

Updated 8 months ago

2019 in review

Looking back on 2019 and setting goals for the next year.

Updated 8 months ago

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