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Email a Dumpster Fire

Posted 6 hours ago/195 comments/hey.science
6 hours ago by fishtoaster

This reminds me of a Burning Code celebration my team once had at ocean beach in SF.

We'd been slowly migrating from Angular 1.X to React (internally: the Angularpocalypse) for a few years and we'd finally migrated over our last few pages. The result was about 100k lines of JS and Rails code that could be safely deleted in a single PR. It had been such a long slog, though, that we felt the team deserved some catharsis.

We took a team-offsite day to gather on a nearby beach and burn the deleted code. In the interest of not wasting that much paper, we burnt a complete list of the deleted files in super-tiny font on a couple pages. We also each grabbed our least-favorite areas of the codebase to print out, including several dramatic readings. My selection was a section of code from about 4 years prior with a comment like //TODO: replace this asap.

I highly recommend it to anyone facing a long, clearly-delineated migration. Gift your old, shameful code to the flame.

3 hours ago by quickthrower2

I think this sort of thing, while cheesy in some respects is great for the team morale. A lot of companies do social things, which is great, but they are disconnected from the work. It's like stop work, do something social, and back to work. But with this ritual it's connected and a real celebration.

I hope React is better for you and you don't need to burn again in 5 years! Luckily hooks and non-hooks code works together nicely enough.

5 hours ago by thedanbob

This reminds me of one time when I finally got to shut down a particularly hated internal web app. For a few hours before the PHP server was taken offline, visiting the site would only return this image: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6OWKZqvvPh8/UjBJ6xPxwjI/AAAAAAAAO...

4 hours ago by justin_oaks

That's awesome. What made the app so hated?

4 hours ago by pixl97

I'm going to make an assumption that it was a PHP app written internally by people that didn't know what they were doing, with no documentation, and that was fragile as all hell. Also probably written in some ancient php version that could not be upgraded and was a huge security risk.

At least that's what I tend to see in the field.

3 hours ago by BolexNOLA


3 hours ago by markdown

Every since The Crown S4, I've lots of references flying around. I must say that she was superbly played by Gillian Anderson.

5 hours ago by colordrops

Have you started on the Reactocalypse effort yet?

4 hours ago by fishtoaster

Not gonna lie, I've been waiting for that to start to seem like a good idea. :) React seems to have more staying power than previous trends, though. Off the top of my head, the frontend library supremacy* went something like:

- 2008 to 2012: Jquery

- 2012 to 2014: Backbone

- 2014 to 2016: Angular

- 2016 to present: React

And although there are serious contenders, React still seems like it has a solid lead over all others. If it lasts another couple years, it's been the dominant tool for longer than most.

* Based entirely on "what I was hearing the most about at that time," not on any rigorous methodology. There was still plenty of Jquery code being written last year and there are large, mature codebases out there in Backbone and Angular.

4 hours ago by wwweston

> there are large, mature codebases out there in Backbone and Angular.

When it comes to large long-historied Angular codebases, I prefer the term "metastasized" over "mature," though now that we're in the 2020s we can almost use "legacy."

4 hours ago by hising

Backbone never got really popular here (Sweden). I still see some legacy apps running Angular but React took over from jQuery quite fast in 2015 or so. What I have noticed thouhg is that people who like MVC-frameworks tend to like using libraries similar to Vue and those who have more of an application approach to web apps tend to like React. Personally I think I got a bad first impression from Vue and have had a hard time trying to get to like it (I know it is popular). I think libraries such as Svelte and dev environments similar to Snowpack will gain traction the coming years. Focus on Developer Experience and doing the heavy lifting in the dev environment.

4 hours ago by breck

The core React design pattern is nice, and the community is great, but the noise in the code.

3 hours ago by eggie5

you forgot prototype before jquery

5 hours ago by hajhatten

Everything needs to be rewritten in phoenix live view now.

4 hours ago by rvense

I have to say, Phoenix Liveview is one of the most exciting things to me, although it's not a match for what I'm working on right now. But my previous job it would have been a perfect fit (a big SPA for monitoring a bunch of IoT devices that had web socket connections to a backend). We were two frontenders and two backenders and we spent so much time implementing and maintaining, not to mention _arguing_ over the API between the SPA and the backend, and that API would've basically gone away if we'd used Phoenix Live. I really hope to get to use it at some point.

5 hours ago by jamil7

No no no it's all about Svelte now /s

3 hours ago by sethammons

We’ve done code burnings before. Throughout the year, any tech debt fixed or code repos removed could be printed out and burned in a bon fire at an annual gathering. Burning old chef code that made life pain every day? Put a smile on many faces haha.

6 hours ago by crb

One just went past that said "everything is fine". It was committed to the fire, flew up, and landed back on the conveyor belt. A guy in a mask ran into the frame and picked it up and put it in the fire by hand.

I found it very in keeping with the theme.

2 hours ago by tomphoolery

Most of them are not going into the flames automatically.

15 minutes ago by johnwyles

everyone is coming up with more complicated systems to usher it to the flames (e.g. vacuum it up and robotic arm drop it in, hook up a fan on low speed, etc) when it's really as simple as steepening the angle it drops in. also about 2 hours ago they didn't have a spot light on the subject to be torched so maybe they will get there.

it certainly re-energized the creative side of me to think up some similar live stream rube goldberg device so i like where their head is at

6 hours ago by arthurcolle

I saw that one too. Hilarious.

2 hours ago by poorman

Paper looks like it's sticking. They should just have the guy sitting next to a printer and a dumpster and then moving the paper from the printer to the dumpster.

6 hours ago by ljnelson

Part of what I love about this is that periodically it doesn't work and a dude comes in from off camera and manually makes sure your email is torched. Very 2020.

5 hours ago by felideon
5 hours ago by SteveNuts

An allegory to all those deployments with just one manual step.

5 hours ago by sixstringtheory

Or AI (with some human intervention required)

4 hours ago by grishka

And cameras sometimes go out of focus.

5 hours ago by Alupis

> P.P.S. We're offsetting by 3x every bit of CO2 this creates via Cool Effect.

Is this really how this carbon offset thing works?

You release a bunch of greenhouse gases - but it's "OK" because you pay money to some organization that might eventually plant some trees (or use your money to buy/rent fossil-fuel-burning machinery to orchestrate the planting of trees)?

Seems like guilt-avoidance to me.

4 hours ago by danans

> You release a bunch of greenhouse gases - but it's "OK" because you pay money to some organization

It's about cleaning up after yourself. Clearly in the case of this machine, whose carbon impact is tiny compared to nearly every other combustion based machinery we use, the intent is symbolic.

> ...that might eventually plant some trees (or use your money to buy/rent fossil-fuel-burning machinery to orchestrate the planting of trees)?

For a reputable carbon offset, those carbon costs are accounted for in the offset, so even with them, it's a net-negative carbon transaction.

> Seems like guilt-avoidance to me.

That's besides the point. If it offsets the carbon produced, then it works, and it doesn't matter what the psychological motivation is.

But I agree that there is a problem with offsets: In a saner world we'd be imposing carbon taxes instead of this, but this is where we are today, with CO2 mitigation effectively taking the form of "donations".

4 hours ago by Alupis

Many organizations with good intent and survive on donations end up astray - see Red Cross and Haiti.

Donating money to some organization that claims they will plant trees to offset some amount of greenhouse gas emissions is a lot like trusting the American Red Cross to build houses and schools after a disaster. You're hoping they do what they promise (and instead of doing that, the American Red Cross billed majority of the donations as "Administrative Fees"[1]).

So, in reality you may or may not be "cleaning up after yourself". Actually, you're not cleaning up after yourself... you're outsourcing that job (and don't actually care if it gets done) so you can feel free to release more greenhouse gases.

[1] https://www.npr.org/2015/06/03/411524156/in-search-of-the-re...

3 hours ago by markdown

> see American Red Cross and Haiti.

FTFY. The Red Cross is a reputable organisation that does wonderful work across the developing world. The American Red Cross is the corrupt one.

2 hours ago by cle

If your claim is that Cool Effect is BS, then do you have some evidence other than some whatabouts?

If you could show that Cool Effect is BS and there was an alternative that really does offset the emissions, I'd bet these folks would be all for switching.

4 hours ago by landryraccoon

This is a counterproductive attitude.

If you pit climate responsibility against people living their lives, climate responsibility will lose, full stop. In the short term, human beings are the way they are, and you won't be able to change human nature before the climate is destroyed.

People offsetting their consumption is way, way better than people saying "If you just want me to suffer, fuck it. I'm going to embrace being an asshole and do what I want."

For example, I'm going to throw some logs on the fireplace over Christmas. I can either find a way to offset my emissions elsewhere, or just say fuck it, those environmentalists are assholes so screw them. It's probably better for both of us if I donate, because not having a fire is off the table.

2 hours ago by savanaly

I see this comment all the time and I'm never sure which of the two stances (or a third? don't want to pigeonhole you) people hold:

a) Offsets don't do what they claim to do, as in the earth in the universe where you give the offset has the same carbon problem as the one in the universe where you don't make the offset, or

b) Offsets are bad even if they do work. There's something morally repugnant about them even if logically they are moral.

From your wording and most of the responses I assume you hold a, but the tone and comparisons to indulgences, etc. make me think you actually (also?) hold b?

I personally hold the contrary opinion to b, but I'm not sure about a) so I'm always a little skeptical of the companies claiming to use carbon offsets. But the problem is definitely one of technology (measuring and holding people accountable to the offsetting) rather than an inherent philosophical contradiction in the concept of offsets.

2 hours ago by btilly

I hold a third opinion.

Offsets are a promise to get rid of carbon for a price. There is a strong incentive to cheat and make the promise, collect the money, then do less than you promised to do. No matter what accountability mechanisms you create, eventually someone will fail to be completely honest, and will deliver cheap offsets as a result. The result is good prices. Eventually the failures of the market to actually deliver on their promise will become a scandal, but those scandals take a long time to materialize so we won't hear about it for a long time.

Which means it might or might not work, and we probably won't hear much about it if it doesn't.

Making this less hypothetical, go read https://features.propublica.org/brazil-carbon-offsets/inconv... for some investigative reporting on how often carbon offsets aren't actually doing what is promised.

The result? In the two large scale programs that have evaluations, the results were that 85% of efforts undertaken under the Clean Development Mechanism were likely ineffective, and 75% of those under Joint Implementation likewise were.

And yet, despite documentation of how ineffective those programs are, do you hear a lot of public scandals about ineffective carbon offsets?

Between perverse incentives and the history of failure, I do not expect future programs to do better. Nor do I expect to hear much about the failures that I think are going on.

5 hours ago by Minor49er

Penn and Teller came to the same conclusion on their show "Bullshit" back in 2008:


It's basically this millennium's version of the Catholic Church's indulgences.

3 hours ago by dwaltrip

From your link:

> There is evidence for global warming, though there's considerable reason to believe this is simply part of a natural cycle. There is some evidence that humans may contribute at least a bit to the change (though many sources suggest that human pollution is insignificant compared with forest fires, volcanos, etc.).

This is underhanded, weasel-word denialism. "Many sources suggest" my ass... Let's not give any credibility to this kind of bullshit.

3 hours ago by yreg

They also did an episode about recycling being bullshit, which was full of misinformation.

Great magicians, but dishonest skeptics.

3 hours ago by La1n


The show pretends to be just about calling out "bullshit", but sprinkles in a lot of politics and opinions.

3 hours ago by UncleMeat

Penn is at least a partial climate change denialist. He is an entertainer, not an expert.

39 minutes ago by jedberg

I don't think he's so much a denialist as an evangelical libertarian. His take is that it doesn't matter if it's man made or not, the market will solve the problem.

6 hours ago by das_keyboard

Somehow the Stream-Window just kept black with Firefox.

But I dug up the direct link for the stream: https://video.ibm.com/embed/23996224

6 hours ago by sp332

Firefox's "Enhanced Tracking Protection" blocks video.ibm.com by default. Not sure why.

6 hours ago by das_keyboard

Yeah. You are right. That fixed my problem.

6 hours ago by arthurcolle

Does Hey.com use IBM Cloud?

6 hours ago by mr_ndrsn

Nope. Separate infra for this project. I know, because I'm on the team that built both.

6 hours ago by t3rabytes

We don't, but streaming on YouTube/Twitch have some caveats that ruled them out for this.

6 hours ago by gibspaulding

It's working for me right now on Firefox / Windows.

Still waiting on my email to show up though. Apparently it's awaiting review.

6 hours ago by mburns

Tom Scott did a similar stunt, where Youtube comments were printed in real time and fed directly into a paper shredder.


6 hours ago by kowlo

Fun idea! Would be nice to get an email back with "You are position x in the queue, ETA y minutes".

Patiently waiting to see my attachment meet its maker...

I did just get an email letting me know you will send a video of my submission though, that's nice!

3 hours ago by Paul-ish

How long did the wait end up being?

an hour ago by jb_s

oh - thats what the guy is doing with his phone.


5 hours ago by brundolf

As an aside: the web design for this page is super novel and cool. And I love the (somewhat random) ability to "close" the different windows and open them back up, as if it were a desktop environment. I wouldn't want this on every website I visit but it's certainly neat.

4 hours ago by philshem

have you seen https://poolside.fm/ ?

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